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Tooth sensitivity and diet: What to eat and avoid?

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental condition where a sudden jolt of pain is triggered by exposure to hot or cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. This discomfort can significantly disrupt your mealtimes. However, by making smart dietary choices, you can reduce sensitivity and savor every bite. Here, we explore what you should and should not eat when trying to find relief from sensitivity-related pain.

  1. Foods to Include in Your Diet

  • Dairy Products
    Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, are rich in calcium that helps strengthen tooth enamel. These foods create a protective barrier on your teeth, reducing sensitivity. For instance, a glass of milk with your breakfast cereal or a slice of cheese with your lunch can go a long way in protecting your teeth.
  • Leafy Greens and Crunchy Vegetables
    Leafy greens such as spinach and crunchy vegetables such as broccoli and celery are packed with vitamins and minerals which contribute to strong tooth enamel. Snacking on these vegetables or incorporating them into your meals provides a natural defense against sensitivity. A spinach salad or celery sticks with a healthy dip are both excellent choices.
  • Certain Fruits
    Opt for fruits lower in acidity, such as bananas, melons, and pears. These fruits offer essential vitamins and minerals without triggering sensitivity. A fruit salad made from these ingredients can be a refreshing and tooth-friendly dessert or snack.

  1. Foods to Avoid or Minimize

  • Citrus Fruits and Juices
    Citrus fruits and juices, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, are delicious and beneficial but highly acidic. The acids can erode tooth enamel, which may leave your dentin exposed and trigger sensitivity. Limit your intake of these fruits or consider diluting juices with water to minimize their impact.
  • Sugary Treats
    Sugary treats, including candies, pastries, and soda, can be tempting but should be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of sugar leads to the sugar feeding harmful bacteria in your mouth, causing acid production. This acid erodes enamel and contributes to sensitivity. Indulge occasionally, but prioritize a balanced diet low in added sugars. Opt for naturally sweetened snacks, like fruits, or choose sugar-free alternatives when available.
  • Spicy Foods
    Spicy foods can also irritate sensitive teeth. If you experience discomfort, consider reducing your intake of chili peppers, curries, and other spicy dishes. You can try milder spices to add flavor without the fire. For example, herbs such as basil and oregano can add flavor without the heat.
  • Certain Beverages
    Certain beverages can aggravate sensitivity. Hot coffee, tea, or carbonated drinks can trigger pain. Consider opting for lukewarm beverages or switching to herbal teas. Even icy beverages can worsen tooth sensitivity.


Looking for the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums?

Explore Sensodent-K and Sensodent KF. Sensodent-K has potassium nitrate that can help reduce the sharp pain whenever you consume hot, cold, sweet, and sour items. Sensodent KF includes fluoride, along with the potassium nitrate. While the potassium numbs the pain, the fluoride can help remineralize lost enamel. This can protect your teeth from cavities.